Tuesday, June 19, 2007

My babygirl is 7months old!

She is eating actual people food (this picture was during dinner last night) and is working on pushing her 3rd tooth through!
She is crazy and fast becoming her own person. Even though I love her, I am quite certain we are not having more kids! I don't know how people with big families do it!

Happy Father's Day!!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

We just returned from a visit to Kansas for a family reunion. It was my first time meeting a lot of Justin's extended family---WOW!

We are finally settled in our new place and did interviews for a nanny and found this amazing girl. We had to let our first sitter go and are so fortunate to have found Ana. Madeline is crazy about her and I think the feeling is mutual.

Maddie is just about 7 months old and is gradually working her way up the food pyramid. She still loves to nurse so I haven't been able to really get any rest yet. One of these days I'll get a good nap in (or something).

I hope ya'll are well and I'd love to hear from you.