Chest Hair and New MySpace Photo
I have a dislike for stray hairs. I not only dislike them on myself, but as much on other people. Every once in a while Justin'll have a random ear hair or one of his goatee hairs sticks straight out and I have to yank it. He gets pretty angry and pissy and cryey and I tell him to look in a mirror once in a while and be thankful he has a wife who cares about things like that...BECAUSE he has commented on mega ear hair and whatnot on other people---men AND women.
It's maybe a double-standard that I can overlook (kind of) a stray facial hair on a man WAaaaayyy more than I can on a woman. Today at church there was a woman with beautiful long dark hair. During worship she flipped her hair back over her shoulder, revealing mega sideburns-----porkchops. It sort of caught me by surprise and I asked God to forgive me for judging and begged the Holy Spirit to help me focus. I've never been quite so happy to be blonde and fair-haired/skinned.
This situation reminded my of my first encounter with strange female hair "issues" as a child.
In 2nd grade my mom signed us all up for swimming lessons. Our instructor was actually my teacher from the prior school year. I was excited and instantly put at ease. I wanted to please her and show her that I was brave and ready to learn. On the inside I was totally scared of learning to swim and freaked out by water over my head. So I learned to hold my breath and clutched the side of the pool as we took turns trying the front and back float with her supporting us underneath. As I watched her lean over, holding one of the other kids, I could see down the front of her swimsuit. What I saw shocked me and has frightened me to this day. Of course, I saw boobs. At that age I had seen my mom dress plenty of times and was probably starting to sprout my own. However, on those breasts, I saw a crop of long, black, curly, coarse HAIR. I'm not talking a stray hair or 2 or even 4 or 8. I thought there was a black baby hiding down the front of her suit.
I've never heard of something like that. Of course, I've never had to use hairy boobs as a lifesaving device, either.
I went to White Water as a child; probably 11 or 12. At that age I was fully aware of glorious boobs a the not so glorious puberty, but I was still young enough to stare unabashedly. Anyway, my ogling was soon brought to an end when I spied a heavy chested woman in a bikini sporting a thick, black happy-trail that went way past her belly button.
I'm more cautious now.
The more I think about it the more the picture to this post scares me.
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