Friday, September 05, 2008

I'm watching Dee Long and Sarah Janececk duke it out over the McCain/Palin ticket.  Dee's definitely got the upper hand in this "conversation" and I love it!  
It baffles me to think that McCain thought he would attract Hillary voters by selecting  Palin as his vp.  They couldn't be at more opposite points of view on "the issues" that usually sway voters (abortion, sex education, gay marriages). I tend to agree with Long that Palin will attract rural & uneducated women who were only Hillary voters because of the fact that she was a woman and nothing else.  Long was also a hockey mom in her time and noted that it did not qualify her to be in public office.
Justin has had several "discussions" on his Facebook page with some people from church and it appears there is no such thing as a liberal Christian up here...or a liberal evangalist?  Why do people make me feel like I'm sacrificing my faith by supporting the DFL? 


in a word said...

It's sad, but they feel that they are entitled to it since they are in the Kingdom of God. God has nothing to do with politics, it's a wholly human created institution.

aintshakespeare said...

Well, you have support down here. I am totally in a Republican/Christian Coalition state. I go to church. I'm even in the choir. I have studied the Bible and I believe (most) of the Apostle's Creed. (I don't think Mary's virginity -or lack there of- has anything to do with Jesus's divinity) But for some reason when you tell people you are a democrat they look at you with pity and assume that you must be spoken to as the village imbecile.

My brother-in-law actually told my daughter that Obama was Satan. I thought that was a little underhanded. Luckily my daughter is a little smarter than to believe that.

I'm really just over the whole blind-belief thing. It seems that is the fad way of preaching and teaching and now politicing. Believe it because we are in the know and we are telling you this is right. Don't ask me to explain it because my explanation will sound very similar to something you don't want any part of. Just believe what I tell you.

That's the way whole countries find themselves committing genocide.

Holly said...

I can't stand her. I heard someone say that she is 'window dressing' for McCain and I completely agree. I really don't want window dressing running the country. Sorry, but it's the truth. I hope that I don't have to EVER see the day when she is in control of US women's wombs. Uh no thanks. My body is just that...MINE. She has a baaaaaad rep in Alaska and I want to be far far away from her. Something about people willing to do whatever it takes to get what they want really freaks me out. Oh dear, I'll be stepping down from the soap box now.