Monday, May 05, 2003

I stumbled upon this site that is a daily journaling prompt thing. I need to get back into some writing just for me and think this will be a great way to trigger some thoughts and ideas, especially for my upcoming memoir writing class.

Today's question is: If you could accomplish only one thing in the rest of your life, what would it be?

This is a very difficult question for me. There are so many things I want to accomplish that to choose just one FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE, wow! nearly impossible. For the sake of answering, my instinct is to say "Find true love" but is that something I can "accomplish" or is it something that just happens or doesn't happen.

I want to truly know someone as my soulmate. I DO believe such a thing exists and that there is one person created for each of us.

However, not so long ago, after a handful of miserable experiences in the dating world, I told my mom I was never dating again, much less getting married. To which she replied, "Do you really think it's up to you?" (Insinuating that God would decide.)

My response: "If God wants me to even consider getting married, the man of my dreams is going to have to show up at my doorstep, escorted by 2 angels, holding a certified letter signed in the blood of Jesus Christ! THENNNNNN maybe I'll consider the idea."

Love, come and get me, I dare ya.

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