Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Maddie woke up yesterday terrified to get out of her bed because she thought there were clowns hiding in her window blinds that would get her. I carried her around to show her there was nothing hiding and she seemed ok. A little while later we were getting ready to leave for a play date and I told her to get her shoes on. She wouldn't budge from the couch. Again, she said the clowns were going to come out from the blinds and get her. I shared a verse from the Bible with her that helped me earlier in the day, to call on the name of the Lord and be safe. She didn't seem convinced. So I told her if she is ever scared she can just say, "Jesus, protect me!" and He will keep her safe.

She yelled, "Jesus, protect me!" and jumped down, ran to grab her shoes, and sprinted back to the couch, ultimately covering her eyes with her hands and asking if the clowns came out.

Last night, Justin took Maddie around our home and along with Maddie rebuked the clowns and commanded them to leave and said only God would remain with us.

It's all sort of amusing and sad at the same time. She has such a tender heart and I love that about her. However, she is afraid of so much. How do I truly speak God's security and safety into her?

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

God Loves Me Enough To Give Me A Nice Sweater!

This weekend I attended an Extraordinary Women's Conference in Raytown.  During one of Saturday's sessions, the speaker said, "Turn to the woman next to you and say 'Do you know how much God loves you?!'"
So, I turned to the stranger at my left, smiled, and said, "Do you know how much God loves you?"
To which she smiled and said to me, "You have a nice sweater."

Huh.  How 'bout that!