Sunday, March 30, 2008

Chest Hair and New MySpace Photo

I have a dislike for stray hairs. I not only dislike them on myself, but as much on other people. Every once in a while Justin'll have a random ear hair or one of his goatee hairs sticks straight out and I have to yank it. He gets pretty angry and pissy and cryey and I tell him to look in a mirror once in a while and be thankful he has a wife who cares about things like that...BECAUSE he has commented on mega ear hair and whatnot on other people---men AND women.

It's maybe a double-standard that I can overlook (kind of) a stray facial hair on a man WAaaaayyy more than I can on a woman. Today at church there was a woman with beautiful long dark hair. During worship she flipped her hair back over her shoulder, revealing mega sideburns-----porkchops. It sort of caught me by surprise and I asked God to forgive me for judging and begged the Holy Spirit to help me focus. I've never been quite so happy to be blonde and fair-haired/skinned.

This situation reminded my of my first encounter with strange female hair "issues" as a child.

In 2nd grade my mom signed us all up for swimming lessons. Our instructor was actually my teacher from the prior school year. I was excited and instantly put at ease. I wanted to please her and show her that I was brave and ready to learn. On the inside I was totally scared of learning to swim and freaked out by water over my head. So I learned to hold my breath and clutched the side of the pool as we took turns trying the front and back float with her supporting us underneath. As I watched her lean over, holding one of the other kids, I could see down the front of her swimsuit. What I saw shocked me and has frightened me to this day. Of course, I saw boobs. At that age I had seen my mom dress plenty of times and was probably starting to sprout my own. However, on those breasts, I saw a crop of long, black, curly, coarse HAIR. I'm not talking a stray hair or 2 or even 4 or 8. I thought there was a black baby hiding down the front of her suit.


Thursday, March 27, 2008

It's SO on! I think the above photo will be our next MySpace pic!
Below are my brother's last couple shots.

Who shall win?!?!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Justin & I, my brother, and another friend are having a "competition" on Myspace to find the strangest profile photos. It has gotten pretty funny.

Currently Cody has a photo of Radio and my brother has a strange looking male.
This is our current myspace photo.
I think it's male, but am not for sure.


It's Justin's 29th birthday today. He's a young pup and I robbed the cradle. I always dated men MUCH older than I, until I met Justin. He still teases me about having geriatric wet dreams and says I'm never allowed to work in a nursing home.
Having a birthday on a Tuesday is a bummer. I tried to get some of our friends together and they all are busy or flat out didn't respond. Nice. So it might just be the 2 of us going out for dinner and maybe light bulb shopping after that. Maddie'll stay with Ana and we'll be home and in bed asleep by 10 pm.
I'm ultra-pumped because MY birthday is on a Saturday this year!
Justin came home for lunch today and I made some wild rice and a new kind of veggie burger. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRROooooooossssyuuuuuukkkkkk! It was a bag of this veggie/protein/fiber stuff that you put with boiling water and let sit. Then form it into patties and cook 'er up! They are not tasty. Of course Madeline liked them. I served Justin's on some Ezekiel bread w/ketchup and spicy mustard and spicy cheese and spicy air on a spicy plate and it still was pretty raunch. Thankfully the wild rice and yogurt were available! But we know what Maddie gets for dinner tonight while we are having pizza and beer!


This weekend we had Jeremy and Renee's wedding reception down South. After 5 hours of driving we were totally ready for the brew tour and socializing afterward. It was super cold out and put a bit of a damper on festivities, but not too much.
The saturday reception was at this ballroom in downtown New Ulm and of course my camera batteries crapped out after taking 2 pictures of my brother during the talent show! BOoo!
The ballroom was this place that looked like it was from the '20's. Very cool. Tons of our relatives were there and we did loads of dancing and I'm still a little sore today actually. I wore monster heals alllll night and atrophied my calves and quads. I wish I could fully explain the fun that we have with some of my cousins when we get together playin "The Dare Game." It's totally wonderful for us, but dangerous for anyone else around.
It started with 13 year old Crystal trying to convince Jeremy and Renee that she was angry with her step mom and needed to sleep in their hotel room for the rest of the weekend. SHe was a true champ and totally convinced them, even though they said NO WAY.
Cousin Shelly had to go to the DJ and rub her hands all over herself and beg him to play something "dirty."
Ben had to put his tie around his head like a bandana and grap 2 sticks from one of the centerpieces and walk around "knighting" 6 people.
Justin had to escort a folding chair to the middle of the dance floor and dirty dance with it.
I had to pretend like I was leading an aerobics class in the middle of a group of people on the dance floor.
etc. etc. etc.
Stupid, fun, and most everytime we are together this crap takes place. I think Ben and I started it many years ago while camping. A bunch of us were around the bonfire and I dared him to go sit on the ground next to the fire and do 5 sit-ups and then go sit back down and not say anything to anyone. Whatever. Stooooopid, but if you knew my family you'd so be in on it.

Tomorrow is my parents' 31st wedding anniversary! Holy moly! Pretty much they can't stand eachother anymore, but maybe that's what happens when your life revolves around your kids for 31 years? When they grow up and leave, then you wonder who the hell that other person is sitting across the table from you? Sad kind of.

Monday, March 24, 2008


Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Seriously Awesome?

Every so often I get a wild hair to try a new recipe or a healthier version of something I really like. I've adapted encheladas to be super healthy and today found a recipe for black bean brownies! Why not?

They just came out of the oven 7 minutes ago and I took a tiny corner bite and they are rockin! I called husband to tell him what I was making and I think he gagged. I want to call my friend Jen and tell her, cuz I'm so pumped, but they are probably right in the middle of sitting down to dinner.

Jen----they are good!

I used 1 c of brown sugar and 1 c of white, instead of 2 c of while. I was going to sub honey for some of the sugar but realized I was almost out. I would've used some whole wheat flour instead of white, but it only calls for 2/3 c. of flour anyway and I'm running low on wheat and I still have to bake bread for my mom's birthday gift tomorrow.

I threw in some white chocolate chips and I think we have a winner.

A few weeks ago I made some vegan oatmeal peanut butter cookies, that used tofu and soy milk instead of eggs and they were awesome. I used applesauce instead of oil and honey in place of half the sugar. Mmmmmmmmmmmmm. I'll find the link to that recipe and post it. I have it around here somewhere.

Do any of ya'll have any stellar healthy recipes? I'd love to hear 'em!
Interesting and Sad!
A man committed suicide in his automobile recently. His wife was going to take their children and leave him. He decided he couldn't live that way and in an apparent rage left his home with a shotgun and drove on some country roads, damaging his truck and eventually stopped to shoot himself in the head.
The insurance claim(s) for the vehicle ended up in Justin's office and it has been very interesting to hear the process of handling such a tragic event. Fatality claims happen now and again, but this is not a regular happening by any stretch. Plus, we live in such a damn small world that I found out the man who died was a friend of my uncle, who lives in Minneapolis.
Yesterday the deputy who was involved in locating the vehicle stated that it was a terrible mess and they threw a tarp over the vehicle so that the tow truck driver wouldn't have to see the inside of the truck. Of course, Justin wants to be the one to inspect the vehicle all the more!
I don't know if he could handle that though. He's a major gagger and I'm afraid seeing a cab filled with blood and brains would have a bit of an affect on him. Ya think?
Suicide is icky. My dad's dad killed himself when my dad was a young boy. His mother (my dad's grandma) killed herself too. I wonder what takes hold of people and makes them feel THAT hopeless? I think that people who committ suicide are not in their right minds and something just snaps I suppose.
Anyway, who has the Easter Bunny coming to their house?

Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Pat's Day!

It's snowing like crrrrrazy here, but no accumulation...YET. Hopefully the ground will stay warm enough to continue melting the crud falling from the sky. I'm a lot burnt out on winter. Although, having to shovel sidewalks in 30 degree weather isn't the worst thing I suppose.

Is everyone celebrating today? Drinking Guiness and wearing green? Aren't you supposed to pinch people if they don't have an article of green clothing on today?

I admit to not wearing a smidge of green today; not in protest or anything, I just don't see anyone really during my day that is coherent enough to know their own name, much less what day it is. I made some brown Irish soda bread---a wheat version of the regular and a dumplingish stew for dinner tonight. Given the snow, I think it'll go over fairly well.

This weekend we head south for my cousin's wedding. Friday night a bunch of us are going to tour the Schell brewery. I'm super pumped to have a weekend away from home and my daughter. We are FINALLY all well for the most part and I'm afraid I'm jinxing that by simply mentioning it! After we return we'll celebrate Justin's birthday and his parents will arrive from Kansas, as they do every year at this time to shower him with gifts and stress us (me) out.

I don't know why I thought I'd come on here and write. I don't have a damn thing to say really. I'm turning into a booooorrrrrriiiiinnnnnggggg person.

What's everyone else up to today?
Tell me! I'm genuinely interested!

Friday, March 14, 2008


This has been the longest week of my life. Well, probably not of my life, but it felt like it dragged on and on and onnnnnnnnnnn.

Tonight some people from Justin's office are coming over for dinner and drinks. Our nanny is having Maddie at her house for a few hours while we entertain. I'm actually looking forward to the festivities. I used to work in this office when Justin was in grad. school and they are great people! I was busy this morning assembling a variety of Mexican dishes, cleaning house and trying to entertain my little one.

Does anyone out there watch "Little House on the Prairie" on tv or dvd/video? Since our cable downgrade, one of our afternoon pleasures has been 2:00 pm Little House on Hallmark Channel. I could watch it all day, everyday for the rest of my life and still never tire. Can you imagine being alive back then? What's the hardest job any of ya'll has had? I'm very interested.
My hardest job was probably during college--working summers in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area for a canoe outfitter. We worked 6 days a week, 12 hour days. There were no phones or tv or internet or anything like that. We were 55 miles from the nearest town, which wasn't saying much. I did that for 3 summers and the owners are now like my second parents. It was SO hard, but one of the most character shaping times of my life.

Ok, I should get back to things. Laura just got in trouble because Mr. Edwards was teaching her how to spit. How do you spit?

Monday, March 10, 2008

It's Monday and our babysitter called in sick and I don't mind. Madeline has been glued to my side all morning and I'm glad I can be here for her.

Last night I was trying to organize our home videos and figure out what was actually on what tapes and lable the cases and bla bla bla. It made me happy and sad to see how much our life/lives have changed in the last few years. Justin's graduate school commencement was on one of the tapes and though there was more footage of funny-looking people than of the actual commencement I forgot how proud I was of him for all that he accomplished on that day.

Then there were clips of Madeline and I in the hospital from when she was born and more footage from our time living in Minneapolis, when life was much more simple and we didn't have much of anything. Sometimes I wonder if having more money is worth all of the headache.

Anyway, my pity party has ended. I'm feeling loads better---my head has mostly cleared up and I'm on the mend. Thank you for your support and prayers! I'm so grateful to have such wonderful friends and an incredible church community. It's been overwhelming--in a good way. So I was way further in this post and Madeline was wrestling me with the laptop and slammed it shut and I lost a couple paragraphs and don't feel like retyping. I called Justin and asked if there was a way to change the settings so the computer doesn't auto-shutdown just from closing the latptop and he just laughed at me. I hate technology and he thinks I'm completely ridiculous.

If it were up to me, I'd be penpals with ya'll and we'd send REAL letters every few days through snail mail and I'd be happy as hell! Why don't people write letters anymore? Do any of you?

Has spring sprung where any of you live? Not here yet. As Mike said yesterday, maybe the groundhog died? It's not really an issue of seeing his shadow or not, he just crapped out and froze to death. When I checked the temp at mid-morning it was 16 degrees F. F is right!
I think Farenheit is german for a curse word about it being so cold. Whatever, that was lame.

Mr. Rogers is on and they are playing guitar to a lady in the land of make believe. Trolley is having problems going to sleep, so she's trying to help him. How nice.

Ooooohhh, it was Lady Elaine! She didn't knock on the tree before coming in and someone was upset. Ahhh, the trials and tribulations of life.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Why does my body hate me?

I spent nearly 6 weeks trying to get over pneumonia and was mostly well (aside from coughing once in a while), now I have a rotten head cold and some flu symptoms (low grade fever, achy, tired). My eyes feel like they are on fire--watery and burning. My nose won't stop running, but it's totally plugged up at the same time.

The temp outside has still been in the single digits and I'm feeling totally "cagey" (cabin fever, but more prison-like).

I'm somewhat prone to depression, but don't show it to most people. Times like these don't exactly help.

Our church is starting Life Transformation Groups and I'm curious to see how that will pan out. Justin has been in one for a couple months now and more than anything I find myself jealous of him because he gets to go out. Sad, I know. But try having a little human crying at your legs for no reason and your husband comes home from work and eats a meal you worked hard to prepare and doesn't say thanks until you prompt him to and then leaves right away to go to this group, leaving you sick and with the crying little human again.

Lord, help me to be supportive and selfless, instead of jealous and selfish.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

We are doing some technology downgrading. With spring approaching and our family time being so limited, we find we waste (?) more time than we should on the internet and watching totally useless things on television. We've decided to get rid of our wireless internet and go down to the most basic cable package available.

Though we'll check on here occasionally, it won't be nearly as often as it was. If you need us, we'll still have a phone! To our favorite blogs: Justin still has internet at work and will relay my most favorites to me (you know who you are). Plus, some of you live just a hop skip and jump come on over!

Take care ya'll, and don't be strangers!

Love, Justin & Stacey(and Maddie too I suppose)

Sunday, March 02, 2008

I have some updating about the last few days, but I only have a minute to write.

The concert that Justin and I went to at the casino last night takes priority at this moment.

Air Supply was playing! I can only name a handful of songs, but since we live in the middle of nowhere entertainment is a commodity and my parents offered to take our daughter for the weekend....

I was trying to find some radical pictures of the Russells (Graham Russell and Russell Hitchock) when I found a blog entry someone had written last summer. It includes pictures and video and recaps our evening last night to a T! The only thing better was that we saw Russell Hitchock french kiss a woman in the crowd when they were going around singing and posing for pictures!

Totally awesome! PLEASE check this out!

When I say "awesome" I don't really mean AWESOME! I mean awesome in a gaggy sort of way.