Sunday, March 02, 2008

I have some updating about the last few days, but I only have a minute to write.

The concert that Justin and I went to at the casino last night takes priority at this moment.

Air Supply was playing! I can only name a handful of songs, but since we live in the middle of nowhere entertainment is a commodity and my parents offered to take our daughter for the weekend....

I was trying to find some radical pictures of the Russells (Graham Russell and Russell Hitchock) when I found a blog entry someone had written last summer. It includes pictures and video and recaps our evening last night to a T! The only thing better was that we saw Russell Hitchock french kiss a woman in the crowd when they were going around singing and posing for pictures!

Totally awesome! PLEASE check this out!

When I say "awesome" I don't really mean AWESOME! I mean awesome in a gaggy sort of way.

1 comment:

in a word said...

I don't even have to write about it. You did a fine job!