Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Pat's Day!

It's snowing like crrrrrazy here, but no accumulation...YET. Hopefully the ground will stay warm enough to continue melting the crud falling from the sky. I'm a lot burnt out on winter. Although, having to shovel sidewalks in 30 degree weather isn't the worst thing I suppose.

Is everyone celebrating today? Drinking Guiness and wearing green? Aren't you supposed to pinch people if they don't have an article of green clothing on today?

I admit to not wearing a smidge of green today; not in protest or anything, I just don't see anyone really during my day that is coherent enough to know their own name, much less what day it is. I made some brown Irish soda bread---a wheat version of the regular and a dumplingish stew for dinner tonight. Given the snow, I think it'll go over fairly well.

This weekend we head south for my cousin's wedding. Friday night a bunch of us are going to tour the Schell brewery. I'm super pumped to have a weekend away from home and my daughter. We are FINALLY all well for the most part and I'm afraid I'm jinxing that by simply mentioning it! After we return we'll celebrate Justin's birthday and his parents will arrive from Kansas, as they do every year at this time to shower him with gifts and stress us (me) out.

I don't know why I thought I'd come on here and write. I don't have a damn thing to say really. I'm turning into a booooorrrrrriiiiinnnnnggggg person.

What's everyone else up to today?
Tell me! I'm genuinely interested!

1 comment:

aintshakespeare said...

Ah St. Paddy's day. How do you spell St. Patty? Is it Paddy, Patty, Pattie or Paddie? I figured it was Patty, since it is from Patrick, but who knows?

We didn't do much. We did all wear green, though my daughter still took it upon herself to pinch us all. I guess we weren't green enough. For dinner we had the wonderfully Irish frozen pizza. I considered putting potatos and corned beef on it, but then I thought better of it.