Thursday, March 06, 2008

Why does my body hate me?

I spent nearly 6 weeks trying to get over pneumonia and was mostly well (aside from coughing once in a while), now I have a rotten head cold and some flu symptoms (low grade fever, achy, tired). My eyes feel like they are on fire--watery and burning. My nose won't stop running, but it's totally plugged up at the same time.

The temp outside has still been in the single digits and I'm feeling totally "cagey" (cabin fever, but more prison-like).

I'm somewhat prone to depression, but don't show it to most people. Times like these don't exactly help.

Our church is starting Life Transformation Groups and I'm curious to see how that will pan out. Justin has been in one for a couple months now and more than anything I find myself jealous of him because he gets to go out. Sad, I know. But try having a little human crying at your legs for no reason and your husband comes home from work and eats a meal you worked hard to prepare and doesn't say thanks until you prompt him to and then leaves right away to go to this group, leaving you sick and with the crying little human again.

Lord, help me to be supportive and selfless, instead of jealous and selfish.


aintshakespeare said...

From the husband/father's perspective:

It's easy to allow yourself to believe that your wife is totally happy coming home from work, tidying house, cooking and watching the kids while you go off to choir or some such thing. But it doesn't take two minutes of rational reflection to realize that this is just absolutely absurd. Your husband is not trying to be a jerk, he's just accepting the gender roles that pop culture and the church to this day still promote.

It is not selfish to have a little YOU time. If you don't get time to yourself you will feel a real loss of identity. Also, your actions are being viewed by your daughter. She is learning A. how to treat you by watching how your husband treats you, and B. how she can expect her future husband to treat her. She needs to see that daddy also makes time for mommy.

Now, I've probably made a much bigger issue out of that than it really is. Sorry. I do that.

Anonymous said...
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S said...

Justin deleted the previous comment because it was left anonymously and was sort of strange I guess. It sort of missed the mark in a way. As long as someone claims ownership to their comments, I'm likely NOT going to delete them.
I really value your thoughts and comments here. Value? Appreciate at least. haha.