Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Seriously Awesome?

Every so often I get a wild hair to try a new recipe or a healthier version of something I really like. I've adapted encheladas to be super healthy and today found a recipe for black bean brownies! Why not?

They just came out of the oven 7 minutes ago and I took a tiny corner bite and they are rockin! I called husband to tell him what I was making and I think he gagged. I want to call my friend Jen and tell her, cuz I'm so pumped, but they are probably right in the middle of sitting down to dinner.

Jen----they are good!

I used 1 c of brown sugar and 1 c of white, instead of 2 c of while. I was going to sub honey for some of the sugar but realized I was almost out. I would've used some whole wheat flour instead of white, but it only calls for 2/3 c. of flour anyway and I'm running low on wheat and I still have to bake bread for my mom's birthday gift tomorrow.

I threw in some white chocolate chips and I think we have a winner.

A few weeks ago I made some vegan oatmeal peanut butter cookies, that used tofu and soy milk instead of eggs and they were awesome. I used applesauce instead of oil and honey in place of half the sugar. Mmmmmmmmmmmmm. I'll find the link to that recipe and post it. I have it around here somewhere.

Do any of ya'll have any stellar healthy recipes? I'd love to hear 'em!


aintshakespeare said...

Hahaha! Healthy recipies! That would require we actually have SOME recipies. Sadly we are the typical American family and our idea of a recipe is:

Take Auburn Hghwy a mile or two
Turn on Mall Blvd
Pic your restaurant to taste!

Just kidding. We do have some recipies, but nothing terribly exciting. I'm interested in trying those black bean brownies. Wouldn't that be a kick my kids pants. You won't eat black beans in your dinner? Then I'll cram them in your desert!

S said...

Haha! I love it!

Last night a friend tried to convince me she had made some spinach brownies. Now, that's crazy-talk!
I'm all over it!