Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Madeline said MAMA for the first time today! We've been trying to get her to say it for ages and her current verbal vocabulary consists of: dad, cheese, oh wow, and sometimes ball and boobs.

I am overflowing with excitement! It is my wedding anniversary today and Justin called my mom this morning to wish her happy anniversary of being his mother-in-law. Crazy cat.

We got 16 more inches of snow this last weekend and are on tap for another possible rain/snow this weekend. I think I might do murder if that happens.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

We got another 16+ inches of snow this weekend. Seriously? What is going on? My sisters and I had a girls' night scheduled with my mom for Friday night in Brainerd. I left town around 1:30 pm and it was just very cold. As I got closer to the Brainerd Lakes area the white shit was flying.
I ended up not being able to come home yesterday. I got on the road around 7:00 a.m. today, hoping to make it back in time to go to church with Justin and Madeline at 10:00. Normally the drive would take 2 hours at the most. Today it took me 4 hours. Yes.
I spun out twice and had to be towed out once. No damage to me or the vehicle. I drank lots of water and smoked a couple cigs I found in my truck, while listening to a couple cd's I purchased at Friday night's concert. No, I'm not a habitual smoker, so don't judge me.
Why did I even start this post? I don't feel like writing and can't think.

I do have to tell something funny though. When we were at the concert Friday night, there was an old lady wearing a fanny pack. My sister leaned over and said, "FP at 11:00."
Several years ago she came with me to work at a booth at the Minneapolis Sport Show. There were an insane number of people in sweat pants and/or wearing fanny packs. We started to point them out to eachother by saying SP and FP.
So we were chuckling about the FP on Friday night and thought it would be funny if everyone on the Rosa Parks party bus in May had to wear fanny packs and could not be allowed to carry purses or wallets. I explained it would be for the best anyway, because it would afford so much more freedom. Then I came up with the brainiac idea to call fanny packs FREEDOM PURSES!

I love it and need to TM the name.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Justin recently did a post on his blog about how stupid Americans are. The other night Deal or No Deal was on one station and another Democratic debate was on at the same time. I was flipping back and forth between the two, mostly passing time until the new Criminal Minds was on. I can hardly stand Deal or No Deal, but it was this lame fraternity on spring break who was having crazy good luck, so I got sucked in. I also got a little sucked in when Obama was throwing down on Hillary for suggesting his friends of friends of friends are on a committee to do something and that mean he runs with a bad crowd.

I'm already way burnt out on election and it hasn't even begun. I'm one of the stoooopid Americans my husband speaks of. I feel bad that he was afraid to confront me about it as I flipped the channels.

It is FINALLY nice today! Last week at this time we were dealing with another EIGHT inches of snow.

We are heading south to my parents' for the weekend and grilling and bonfiring tomorrow in celebration of my big 31st birthday. Yipppeee.

I hate my birthday.

Monday, April 07, 2008


Where is Spring?

The other day my mom said the robin needs to get snowed on 3 times before Spring is "officially" here. I think any robin that may have been here is dead and buried under the 24 inches of snow we got this weekend!!!!!

On Saturday we were raking the damn grass in our flip flops and now we are crippled by white stuff. I've got a bad case of spring/cabin fever and just want to get my bike out and go around the lake.

My birthday is in a couple weeks and we are hoping to bbq and bonfire, instead of a party bus, weather permitting. We are thinking of doing the party bus in May for some relatives' college graduations. Justin is calling it "The Rosa Parks Invitational GET ON THE BUS Party" and working on an e-vite. He cracks me up.

Tonight is the NCAA championship game! Rock Chalk Jayhawk----KU! It's fun to watch Justin get fired up about things. He's so mellow and disinterested most of the time....hahahahahha.

Friday, April 04, 2008

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