Friday, April 18, 2008

Justin recently did a post on his blog about how stupid Americans are. The other night Deal or No Deal was on one station and another Democratic debate was on at the same time. I was flipping back and forth between the two, mostly passing time until the new Criminal Minds was on. I can hardly stand Deal or No Deal, but it was this lame fraternity on spring break who was having crazy good luck, so I got sucked in. I also got a little sucked in when Obama was throwing down on Hillary for suggesting his friends of friends of friends are on a committee to do something and that mean he runs with a bad crowd.

I'm already way burnt out on election and it hasn't even begun. I'm one of the stoooopid Americans my husband speaks of. I feel bad that he was afraid to confront me about it as I flipped the channels.

It is FINALLY nice today! Last week at this time we were dealing with another EIGHT inches of snow.

We are heading south to my parents' for the weekend and grilling and bonfiring tomorrow in celebration of my big 31st birthday. Yipppeee.

I hate my birthday.


in a word said...

You're not one of the stoopid Americans that I'm talking about. I'm speaking about the trend of Networks bringing new and more insane shows out. DoND has no point, but I was right there with you. I was looking at the boobies... I'm stoopid too until something better comes along. Also, I had no idea what the Prez candidates were talking about. I've been out of the loop since John Edwards dropped out.

aintshakespeare said...

I'll catch you up on the election stuff to date:

McCain: Look guys, I can be right-wing!

Obama: Hilary started it.

Clinton: Nu-uh, Barack started it.

There, that's where we are now.