Tuesday, September 01, 2009

God Loves Me Enough To Give Me A Nice Sweater!

This weekend I attended an Extraordinary Women's Conference in Raytown.  During one of Saturday's sessions, the speaker said, "Turn to the woman next to you and say 'Do you know how much God loves you?!'"
So, I turned to the stranger at my left, smiled, and said, "Do you know how much God loves you?"
To which she smiled and said to me, "You have a nice sweater."

Huh.  How 'bout that!

1 comment:

aintshakespeare said...

I'm actually relieved it was a real sweater you were talking about. When I read that part about "God gave me a nice sweater" I was a little worried that perhaps you had some hair growth condition.

...not that that would be bad. They can do amazing things with lasers these days.

But what does that mean, that a stranger couldn't tell you that the ultimate being of benevolence loves you? I think it would have been funny if you had grabbed her by the shoulders and desperately implored, "BUT DOES GOD LOVE ME? I NEED TO KNOW!"