Friday, June 06, 2003

My love treated me to a special package in the mail today. We purchased our tickets this week for him to stay here for 2 weeks in Sept. and for me to go there over Thanksgiving for a week. I am completely enamored by the treasure that is he and since I got back from my jog, I can only snuggle up in bed with the sweet smelling gift he sent me (it's a secret).

The best gift of all were his words. He wrote me a poem that I am so proud to share.

To be as special as you,
the world must turn to star.
In my eyes you're brilliant,
shimmering in the natural light.
Never in a life can one
have grown so lucky
to have met an angel
and captured her heart
away from heaven.

Love always,
Justin "Bear"

He is gone for the weekend at the lake with his best friend, Clint, and I look forward to the time where he can relax and "be a guy" and I can fantasize about all the ways I want to make him happy for the rest of his life. I am the luckiest woman alive to know love like this.

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