Thursday, May 25, 2006

Wacky! Crazy!

My head is spinning from so much activity.

Justin accepted a job offer from the National Arbitration Forum in St. Louis Park and starts June 12! Congrats bear! I was supposed to have an interview for the casualty representative position in Roseville next week but was informed yesterday that I am being deployed for CAT duty in Jefferson City, MO. Blah.
I was supposed to fly out today (less than 24 hour notice), but because of the holiday was told to fly out on Monday instead & report early Tuesday morning. I got the last seat on the last flight out of Bemidji on Monday and won't get into St. Louis until late and then have to drive a little over 2 hrs to Jefferson City.

On the sunny side: I get paid lots of extra money for the next 2 weeks and have a little change of scenery from the same old stuff up North.

Today my manager offered to pay my rent for the next few months for me to keep working here until I find something in the twin cities with the company or elsewhere. It's a great compliment and a nice offer because of the little one fast growing inside me. The longer I can keep making money and have my insurance--the better.

It will be nice to be closer to friends and other places and activities we enjoy. Bemidji has been good to us for the most part and is always changing and growing, but is a difficult place to be starting careers and a family.

Goal #1: Find a place to live!

If anyone has any ideas/suggestions, please let me know!

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