Friday, July 14, 2006

Another Friday Post

I had my last OB appointment with my doc in Bemidji today. Kinda sad. He and his nurse were amazing and I would have loved to delivered with them. I meet doc #2 on August 11th.

I'm now ending my 6th month of pregnancy and am still feeling wonderfully! I had been losing a few pounds each month, totalling about 17#, but then this month gained 5. The doctor said he was starting to worry and then I started to freak a little. So, I'm glad to see the number rise just enough to shut him up. It's strange eating while pregnant because every time I put a morsel of food in my mouth I imagine if the baby were sitting next to me at the table and placing the food in the baby's mouth. Ridiculous, I know.

Today's appointment went very well--got to have an ultrasound and verify baby has 2 arms and 2 legs and is growing right on schedule! The little tyke wouldn't position itself so we could see if it was a boy or girl. Ah well, it's healthy and that's all that matters. Maddy/Mason will make her/his arrival when they are ready.

Unfortunately, my ultrasound revealed a cyst on my ovary a bit larger than a golf ball. There is nothing that can be done while I'm pregnant so we'll deal with that in a few months.

Two more weeks left in the Bemidji office and then I depart to live with my husband again! Speaking of the sexy man--he is in town and ready to take me home and ravish my pregnant body!

Keep cool ya'll!

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