Monday, August 14, 2006

Brief update post as I'm on my way from the library to the doctor for some bloodwork: IT'S A GIRL! I had another ultrasound on Saturday morning to monitor the cyst on my ovary and Madeline M. Lillich let us have a brief view of her lil bottom area! It's so exciting!

I've been doing some temp. work in the area and had 2 interviews last week with a marketing/pr firm in Jordan. I'm supposed to find out today on that one. There is an awesome position that just opened up with the city of Shakopee for a Communications Coordinator that may be more up my alley than the Jordan thing, but whatever happens is fine with me. It's wonderful not to be under so much pressure although I still find myself busy as ever trying to get settled and things in order. The Kansas in-laws have been in town for the last 4 days so that slowed things down a little--'nuff said about that!

Anyway, I have to get across town to the lab. One of these days I will truly update and e-mail some of you. We don't have internet at home and I've only been here just about 2 weeks.

Bye for now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The insurance insdustry misses you... But anyone who's been in your position knows exactly why you went running for the hills.
A baby girl will be awesome!! Congratulations.
Good luck with your new job hunt and with motherhood.