Wednesday, August 30, 2006

I've been so busy this week doing temp work for a company in Eden Prairie--they actually are a medical place that produces erectile dysfunction devices!!! How perfect for me. haha.

The marketing/pr guy didn't even have the decency to call me back. I take the time to go for 2 interviews and complete an "assignment" with little notice and this professional (yeah right) man couldn't find time in his busy day to call and tell me he decided to go another route. I'm fine with a company doing what's best for the company--that's what is expected and if I'm not what's best, that's totally ok. Why not extend the courtesy of some kind of contact? I was supposed to receive a call the Monday following my interviews. I waited until Wednesday because I thought maybe they would send a letter to avoid making a phone call, still nothing. I sent a brief and slightly snotty e-mail. I got a response later that day saying he had been so busy.

The erection company asked if I would be interested in doing some more part-time work for them after this week. I think that'll work out for now--getting some extra cash until Maddy arrives--stockpile for diapers and stuff!

I met with a body shop in Eden Prairie today and they asked if I would be interested in working for them as an estimator after the baby is born. We'll see what happens on that one.

Anyhoo, I'm at my aunt's for dinner tonight and relaxing, checking e-mail and stuff. It's really hot in here so I'm going to close for now.

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