Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Doctor again tomorrow so I get to come in to work a lil late. I worked full-time last week and this week for a company in Shakopee and it has caught up with me--I'm pooped. Plus we've been going nonstop for the last few weeks with family stuff and yadda yadda yadda. We are heading to Wadena after I get off work on Friday for baby shower on Saturday. Sunday we come back and are meeting with the woman I hope will be our doula.

Tonight my old friend, Rhiannon, is coming over for dinner. I haven't seen her in ages and it'll be great to give her a big hug.

Last night Justin and I did a ton of work around the apt and ended up going to bed not talking. He growled at me and I started crying. Tired + pregnancy hormones = no good. We are better today and laughing about it. He is participating in a men's group at our church that meets Tuesday mornings at 6:15. Today was the first day and he said it was a terrific way to start the day. I am so proud of him and it makes me feel good that he is spending time with other Christian men. He went to a men's group at our church in Bemidji a few times but said it was like attending a freak show and wouldn't go back.

My boobies started leaking the other day. This whole baby thing is really happening (like there was a doubt in my mind)! I'm almost a month away from my due date but have a feeling it's going to come early.

Old roommie Rick and his wife came over for dinner last Friday. It was nice to see them but sort of strange in a way I can't quite put my finger on. Maybe it has to do with baby or something. Not sure.

Saturday we had to take my godchild to his football game and then took him and his brother out for lunch. Their dad was busy helping set up for the benefit dinner for Ryan's cancer fundraiser deal in Hopkins. We went there for the evening and helped with that and visited with more friends we haven't seen for a long time. Stretch and Holly are due with baby around the same time we are, so it was fun to talk pregnancy with her.

Sunday we spent the day with my cousin Jayson and his wife and kids at their home in Rogers. They were fortunate to not have any damage to their home, however, their daycare provider's neighborhood 3 blocks away was a war zone. The police were checking vehicles as we entered the area and weren't going to let us in, but Jayson and Beth were in the vehicle in front of us and got them to let us through. Crrrrrazy!

I would give anything to have a day at home with my man where we don't have to go anywhere or see anyone or do anything. After this weekend in Wadena, the following weekend is childbirth classes. The weekend after that is my cousin's wedding back up North but we are 99% sure we are going to pass and stay home and finish up baby prep at home and get things winterized. The following weekend is another baby shower with Steinkopf family in Rogers and then the following weekend we are supposed to take my parents out for the night for my dad's birthday.

This baby needs to come NOW so I can have a break!

Almost time to go home for the day. Shutdown.

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