Wednesday, September 20, 2006

I miss my Bemidji doctor so much. If I weren't so far along in my pregnancy I would switch doctors at this new clinic. It just seems sort of pointless now. I've mostly resolved that I wouldn't use this guy again nor would I refer anyone to him.
I gained just over 4# since 2 weeks ago and after "discussing" that with him I felt like a failure. He kept saying that I shold only be gaining 1-1.5 lbs a week and that I was doing so well and now it's like I'm letting myself go. Excuse me! If I stuck with his average, I should have gained 2-3 lbs since my last visit and I gained 4. Do I suck that bad?
I was losing every visit for the first several months and then was staying the same and it's basically been just these 2 visits that I've gained anything. I felt like bawling because I was pretty freaked out after finding out I gained 5# at my last visit and really did make a concious effort to stick with eating at home and having lots of fresh fruits and vegs, my usual breakfast of kashi, fruit, and soy milk, snacks of apples and cucumbers and triscuits bla bla bla. Bastard.

THEN he pulls out some results from my ultrsound a couple weeks ago and says that the baby is measuring a fair amount larger than what my due date would suggest and that I could be 3 weeks further along than what he thought. He didn't seem concerned as the baby's heart rate and my blood pressure and everything are perfect; just that my weight gain is nutso I guess. So I scheduled a visit for 2 weeks and then once a week after that. Another ultrasound will also be ordered next time to see if they can more accurately gauge when this baby is going to make it's appearance.

I hate going to these appointments alone. I wish Justin's commute didn't have him quite so far away.

After I had one foot out of the clinic I collapsed into a pile of tears and sobbed my way to work.

This baby has NO idea what she's getting herself into.

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