Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Last week Madeline had her 2 month check-up with the pediatrician (that spelling doesn't look correct to me). She will be 11 weeks old this Thursday.
Maddy is a giant! She has grown 3 1/2 inches and weighs 14.2 lbs. It is so exciting to see her change almost overnight.

She and I are at uncle Mike's--just finished doing all of the cleaning. Tomorrow is normally the day we would come but since we have plans to go to the Timberwolves' game tomorrow night I thought it might be better to clean today. Ben and Kristine are babysitting for us and hopefully she is a gem. I am hesitant because we tried to give her a bottle with pumped breast milk this Saturday when we were at Travis's and she freaked out. I'm hoping the problem was that I tried to offer her the bottle first. I've read that the breastfeeding mom is usually not very successful in giving baby a bottle. Babies are smarter than we think!
Justin is going to try to give her a bottle with pumped milk tonight and I'll step out for a while and HOPEFULLY she takes it. If not, we may end up leaving the game early tomorrow night--which wouldn't be the end of the world.

We got a great deal on the tickets. Jesse's friend Nick has season tickets so there will be 4 of us going. It's supposed to be super cold though---I'm not excited about that part. I know we've been very fortunate to have a mild winter, but I don't like that on a busy week for us (there aren't many of those) that it has to be shitty out.

The next few months hold a lot of changes in our household and I'm excited/nervous/scared. I'll update about the details very soon.

I hope everyone is well. We are heading to Wadena this weekend--should be interesting. I'm looking forward to the heat of the wood stove!

I feel the need to share that in the last few months I have forged a new found friendship with my brother. Jesse is not only a great guy, but such a nice person to talk to. We laugh a lot and talk on the phone almost every day. Yes, yes!
He and I have always gotten along well and shared a strange sense of humor but I really appreciate him lately and am so glad to have grown closer as we get older. He is a superstar!

Time to feed and change baby and head home.
Stay warm!!

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