Thursday, December 20, 2007

I think I am officially done Christmas shopping and only have a handful more left to wrap.
I braved Target yesterday to replenish the wrapping paper supply one last time.

My mom always got tired of us shaking and trying to guess what our presents were. She got sneaky one year and replaced our names with animal names. Presents for "Cow" from mom and dad or "Horse" etc. littered the tree skirt. My brother and sisters and I got so mad and begged mom to tell us who was what animal but it was only ever revealed on Christmas eve. She then took to wrapping fake gifts and bringing out the real ones when it was time to open presents as a family. How funny and mean. I don't have that kind of self-control with gifts this time of year. I want everyone to open their presents immediately so I can see their reaction.

I'm a total regifter and so all of the useless things I've been getting from people with the management company (boxes of chocolate, trays of crap, etc.) has been getting regifted to the mailman, maintenance people, trash man, etc. It ends up working out fairly well and then we don't gain the traditional 5lbs that all of those tasty treats seem to bring.

The countdown to cruise has begun and I am pumped to get away for a whole week where nobody can call me or find me to ask me stupid questions. Yeahhhoooo.

Ellen is on tv right now. She makes me laugh outloud. That doesn't happen very easily.

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