Friday, June 27, 2008

What are other ways that people cope with children driving them INSANE?!?!?!?!?


aintshakespeare said...

Kids. sigh

All my friends think I was already insane for contemplating children in the first place. Sometimes I think he might be right.

If the kids aren't driving you crazy then you are a bad parent; cuz you don't care and don't pay attention. It's honestly trying to understand gibberish - and leaping across the room to prevent them from sticking their tongue in an electrical outlet while your heart leaps across the universe - and listening to them tell you about the funny thing that just happened two seconds before and how funny it was - and trying to explain the difference between Santa Claus and God - that will drive you bonkers.

Insane = Good Parent.
Keep up the good work.

aintshakespeare said...

In other words, accept that you are going to go crazy and enjoy it. Because after going crazy you will go uncool. I can see my uncoolness slowly dawning in my daughter's eyes.

And I know it will do absolutely no good to explain to her how cool I actually am.

aintshakespeare said...

Not trying to look like a stalker, but I thought you might actually want a real bit of input.

1. Give the kid to the grand parents for the night, or a baby sitter. And DON'T spend the entire evening worrying about whether your daughter is ok.

You gotta get separation from her to relax. My brother went so far as to send his daughter to his in-laws for a week and take his wife on vacation. At first I thought this was nuts. But if you can do this I highly recommend it; even if just for a couple of days.

2. Hang in there. Around three years old they really start to get the hang of playing by themselves. This works especially well if they have a friend or cousin (etc) over. That may seem like a long time in the future, but it will come quickly and you will sadistically look back fondly to the time when she needed you for everything. Well, if you're like me you will.

S said...

That is fantastic! It seems crazy to me that there is no formal training for the most important job in the universe!
We had the son of a friend of ours last week and weekend and HE made my daughter look like a perfect princess! Imagine that!
Although, maybe that's just because he has complete knowledge of the English language and my daughter just has a few words and more sign language than audible phrases.
Do you find you are more or less patient than your wife, when it comes to the kiddies?

aintshakespeare said...

We each have our moments, but I guess she is on average more patient. One of the best things I learned from her is the art of distraction. Half the time she doesn't have to discipline because she just deflects the kids. I tell them, "Stop doing that!" and they keep doing it. She says, "Hey guys, who wants to help me sweep the floor?" and they both quit acting up and help her clean. See, I suck.