Thursday, February 12, 2009

It is tough not having internet connection at home.  We moved to Kansas in November and are pretty much as poor as poor can get, without being homeless or bankrupt...yet. haha.
I love living here.  I have despised winter my entire life and this milder climate is more my speed.  It does wonders for my mood and motivation!  However, our income dropped by 2/3, so we have scaled wayyy back.  No cable, internet, movies, dining out, shopping, etc. etc...anything that costs money.  

It is humbling and has strengthened my faith in immeasurable ways.  I do, however, feel extremely disconnected from the real world.  Once in a great while I can get an internet connection from the neighbor, if I'm sitting on our bed with the laptop.  I mostly feel guilty for doing that, so I should keep this short!

I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the important things in life!  I miss keeping up with all of you and look forward to being able to do so regularly when finances afford such luxuries!

Big hugz and whatnots from Kansas!

1 comment:

in a word said...

So good to see activity on here! I love reading what you have to write.