Saturday, February 15, 2003

It's the day after "Single Awareness Day" and I pulled an all-nighter last night. Well, I stayed awake until about 5:00 a.m.

I didn't have a test to study for or a last minute paper to write, I simply wasn't ready for sleep. I spent my Valentine Friday night watching various shows on television, such as PBS's Almanac, coming to the realization that I was getting old. I am old. I need to prove to myself that I am still young. What to do? My options are very limited since I have to be home by 10:30 every night, living where I do. However, just because I have to be home, who says I have to go to bed? Ooooh yeahhhh, I AM good.

The staff locked the door on their way out at 10:30, the "kids" were all snug in their beds, sleeping soundly, the house was mine! I yawned and stretched as I looked around the house trying to decide what to do first. I watched 2 hours of television as I waited for inspiration. After another bad made for TV movie, I knew what I'd do. Laundry! As I sit here now, I find no logic in that. I want to prove to myself how young I am, so I'm going to do laundry at 1:00 in the morning? (rolling eyes)

I think when I'm tired my brain leaves my skull and some strange freakish being takes over residence. This morning I look back on my hours of the early morning spent being "youthful" and wish I had just gone to bed at 10:30 like I always do and used the normal person's morning hours (7-12) for doing more productive things than sleeping. That's so immature. Wait, isn't that what I was aiming for? Yeahhhhh, I've still got it.

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