Thursday, February 02, 2006

It's Thursday evening and I should get to packing for my fishing trip this weekend. I have to stop in Baudette on my way to fishing to do estimates on 2 different vehicles. It gets me out of the office a little earlier & I can do some work on the drive there as well.
The apartment interview got moved to Tuesday of this week & I wasn't able to go because of work. Husband went & apparently the whole salary arrangement has changed & it doesn't make sense for us to even consider the position. I wasn't excited about the position, but was sort of elated at the prospect of being done at my current job. Oh well, time for me to just suck it up and be a man--that's what I feel like most days. I work more than full time & pay all the of the bills and do what is typically a male-oriented job. I like to think my tits and great smile make life a little easier in this role. It feels wierd to never see money from my paychecks--husband pays the bills with "our" money & lets me know if we have any to spare for pizza and a bottle of wine like last night. I would have much rather just hit the wine after the days I've had.
I'm resigning myself to the fact that I'm stuck in my position for a while and that's how it's got to be. Anyone have advice on how to make that tolerable? I'm curious what works for others in similar situations.


Anonymous said...

I know it's easy for me to say this and you're probably like, "Shut the hell up Jenny!" but it'll be okay...:) I love you and am praying for you guys and that you'll be provided with an amazing opportunity that is greater than you'd ever dream of.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the comment on my post! To update you, I did leave the position! I gave my two weeks notice without another position to fall back on, and it was likely the most terrifying moment of my life. Four days later I was offered another position(no doubt by divine intervention of some sort!), which i've now been at for a month and am loving! I can't say I recommend everyone take the risky decision had the potential to affect myself and my roommates. Thankfully the roommates were supportive. I don't know you, but I imagine you have a great support network.

In the end my decision to leave was based on one thing: peace. The thought of being a temp for $10/an hour brought me more peace than working 60 hours a week at a salaried job where my personality had to shut down as a self-preservation mechanism!

Good luck in everything, wherever life takes you! It looks like you have a great marriage, which must be a great motivation. All the best!