Monday, January 20, 2003

I'm posting from my office today. Yesteday I was at home and the day before in the CAL classroom. My mindset is more academically focused today. I'm sure this is largely due to the fact that I've been reading material and organizing things for course work this semester. Again this morning I was hung up on the idea of audience. If I'm in the middle of posting about a reaction to the book I'm teaching from this semester, but get sidetracked.... I guess that's the beauty of being able to edit these things. I have it? Will I slip into typical online behavior of excessively using the ellipses? God, I hope not. I see that I've used two in this post already. What you, my readers, don't know is how many I went back and deleted after I asked that question! *grin* See, that's another thing I dislike about computer communication--the ever annoying *grin* *smile* etc. Combine that with a message peppered with smiley faces and you have a very annoyed reader in me. All of this is mostly to buy more time before I decide what I want to do with this blog. It's obviously time to check out some other blogs for ideas and comment on them here. Stay tuned! :-) hahahahahaaaa

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